We had this large store
on Manhattan Ave. in Manhattan Beach. We stayed there for several
years before moving to this smaller store on Sepulveda, also in Manhattan
Beach. We only stayed there a short while before moving to our next
store in Redondo Beach on Artesia Blvd. corner of MaCay .
We stayed there for several years before moving to are final store back
on Manhattan Ave. but this time we were on the South end of Manhattan Ave.
corner of Longfellow, near Hermosa Beach (no picture available).
Mike and Mike's dog, Bufus
and another picture of Gail.
From the left; Curtis Andrews,
Iver Becklund, John Patton, Vel Becklund, Mel Shores, Joe Feenstra, Claire
Spencer, and Mike Bensusen, early 1970's. Photo taken in the Manhattan
Beach store.
Jim Brogdon Player Piano
enthusiast from Florida.
Group photo taken in the Artesia Store back in 1977
Dick in our Artesia
Blvd. Redondo Beach store.
Gene Autry accepting one of the nickelodeons that we built.
Luther Joy was our Gulbransen man.
John Lockwood was our photographer.
Don Barr of Universal Piano
Working on one of the Nethercutt
Collection grands. Luther said this was going to be his last Gulbrensen
ever, that's what the note says on the piano roll, 6-18-81.
Pat Carty
Mel Shores
Irv Seiler
Margie Seiler (Youngblood) Bob
Larry Norman
Norman Piano Rolls)
Stan Feher of Stan Feher
Music in Inglewood
Another photo of Larry Norman
(photo courtesy Skip Feher)
Jim Miller
If you wanted some player
piano part made, no matter how complicated, this is the man that could
do it, fantastic workmanship.
Thanks for sending the photo
Jim, much appreciated.
Milt and Arlene Larsen.
We worked on some of the props in the early days of the Magic Castle back
in the '60's. Dick and I, Pat and Shirley spent a very delightful
day at their home recently, fixing a player piano. Thanks Arlene
for all the wonderful food, I really enjoyed myself. Photo
taken June 18, 2005 (http://www.magiccastle.com).
Milt's the only guy I know who has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Ian Whitcomb (http://www.ianwhitcomb,com)
and his beautiful wife Regina, who wouldn't let me take her picture while
she was wearing her glasses. I thought they were very becoming and
added much to her personality. August 24, 2006, Ian and Regina, Dick
and Pat, and Shirley and I got together for dinner and conversion.
What a wonderful time we had together, we must do these get togethers more
The other night (Sept. 10,
06) while visiting the Carty's, Irv and his wife Dawn stopped by for a
visit as well. Here they are in the company of the Whitcombs.
Ian performed at Irv and Dawn's wedding so I though it appropriate for
them to be on the web page together.
Couple of QRS postcards I got from Bob Berkman. Bob worked for QRS for many years and now does Pianola Pushup concerts.
For More information go to his web site at: http://www.pianolaenterprises.com/
And finally some pictures
that don't seem to fit anywhere else. A letter from J. Lawrence Cook
with his picture.
A picture of Sam Zimmerin
in his Chicago store probably taken in the mid 20's, notice the radio speaker
horn. And finally here we are today January 5, 2006. Dick,
Pat, Mike, Shirley and me. Mike's still in the piano business, if
you need your piano tuned or minor repairs, and you happen to be in the
Southern California area, give him a call.
Mike's still in the piano business, if you need your piano tuned or minor repairs, and you happen to be in the Southern California area, give him a call.
I recently ran across this photo of Joe Rinaudo doing some old silent movie productions on his hand cranked projector. You can see more of Joe and his machine as well as him playing his Photoplayer on one of the KCET's Huel Howser California Gold broadcasts. I'm sure that KCET would be glad to send you a copy of the program for some exorbitant fee. You can see a bit more of what Joe does for a living on my movie room page. Or you can see him on his home page. http://www.rinaudosreproductions.com where there is a link to "You Tube".
Photo taken at the Nethercutt Collection
Now comes the big challenge, I've got a little list here of people that I need photos of. Some of the people I even need names as well as photos, these are people that were associated with the piano shop through the years and I would like to include them on this page. So help me out here, I need all the help I can get.
Bob Collins, The fellow that
supplied us with electric pumps, he moved up to Oregon a while back.
Perry Pugh, dealt in used
piano rolls.
Larry Broadmore, Player
technician, always trying new things.
Bill Fields, from
The Old Towne Music Theater in El Segundo.
Katy Carty (Mills), summertime
Beverly Bigbee, summertime
Raleigh Kennard, machinist
Terry Hathaway
Dave Bowers
Jerry and
Sylvia Cohen,
Sy Riman the candy man,
he traded in piano rolls went into the sarsaparilla business.
Doug Noble, young piano
technician who committed suicide while we were in the Redondo Beach store.
Bernard Comsky, of Artist
Grand Pianos gave us a lot of work in the early days.
Randy Cox, piano technician
lived in Lakewood.
Lenny Marvin, collector
and musician.
Ray Smith of Smith Music
Jerry Bleeker, from
Reeds Music Store
Vern Schafer of Colton Piano
who also gave us a lot of work in the early days.
And then there's the famous or near
famous folks, but that's a whole other story.
June 11, 2012