Galapagos 3
April 2005Moving along with more of the trip, we're now up to day 6 of our 11 day tour which brings us to Isabela and Fernandina. You'll notice from the map that the Galapagos are located right on the Equator, and what do we find but penguins, lots of them.
Galapagos Penguins More Marine Iguanas
Another Flightless Cormorant. These crabs, called Sally Lightfoot Crabs, were everywhere.
This was our crossing the Equator ceremony with Sam in the front, Christine, Dana, Liz, and John and in the yellow is Kris. A couple of Fur Seals
More Prickly Pear Cactus and a Yellow Crowned Night Heron
More walking fun on the lava and The Red Footed Booby
I think it's a Night Heron but I'm not sure, might be a Lava Heron. The other one is a Masked Booby
We spent the entire day on Santa Cruz and one of the stops was The Charles Darwin Research Station where they raise young tortoises for repopulating into the wild. They also had some older tortoises that you could get close to. On our way to the restaurant for our evening meal, was another stop. It was this collapsed crater where we saw a vermilion flycatcher. I didn't get a picture of it but some of the other folks did, and I'm hoping that one of them will send me a picture. May-8-05 Just got this great picture of the flycatcher from Shirley R. This photo shows the brilliant coloring, if I had taken it, it would probably just have been a silhouette. Thanks Shirley.
The crater area. Jan taking a picture of the anthurium at the Narwhal Restaurant
Another scene at the restaurant, it was a swell place, we really enjoyed the meal and the ambience.
Then the next day, day 9,we had kind of a dry landing with a climb up Prince Phillip's Steps. That's Pat just coming down.
Day 10 Bartolome and a big flight of steps. A view from the top of Pinnacle Rock.
We also visited Seymour Island where the Magnificent Frigatebirds were nesting. There were also Great Frigatebirds as well. I was having a difficult time telling one from the other, the male with the purplish sheen was the Magnificent and the one with the greenish sheen, the Great. It takes a lot more practice for identification than just the couple of days I had.